• Fusarium

    Fusarium is a fungal lawn disease. It usually manifests itself as small yellow patches. If untreated, these eventually get bigger, turning brown in colour. However, if caught early it can be effectively treated.

    How do I treat it?

    Treatment is varied and dependent largely on environmental factors. Fusarium appears during wet warm periods of weather. Autumn months can be particularly troublesome.

    It grows at an optimum temperature of between 12 and 19 degrees. According to some sources can survive much lower temperatures. Warm weather followed by heavy showers can produce fungal growth.

    A professional fungicide can help to clear it up. Repeat applications may be necessary. The fungicide is exceptionally expensive.

    Any alternatives?

    Alternatives control, rather than remove it. Spiking or hollow tining can help to dry out the ground. This reduces the moisture which Fusarium thrives on.

    Using an iron suphate moss control at the turf hardening rate can toughen the grass to help a bit too. Get in touch if you require help with this.

    Fusarium or snow mould as it's sometimes known