Lawns Need Water! With a distinct lack of rainfall over the past six or seven weeks, it’s no surprise lawns are looking sad. Even after a good feed some lawns are not growing very quickly. Some may even look a little yellow in appearance. What’s the reason? How can I make it better? The good news is, grass is tough stuff and it will bounce back. It will need help. By regularly watering your lawn and not solely relying on rain you can help keep your lawn looking nice. As a plant, grass relies on water. Many people water flowers religiously but do not see the need to water [...]
A common misconception is that lawn treatments alone will produce lush green lawns. To complement the fertiliser feed your lawn should receive regular watering, this will help the lawn absorb the goodness. So, think about watering your lawn as an essential part of the process. It's best to do this a couple of times a week and especially during a dry spell. This will help prevent the lawn from becoming hydrophobic and thereby not allowing water through to where it's most needed. Many customers are on water meters. This could be a worry to you because you fear ending up with a big water bill. [...]
September Lawn Calendar After a lawn baking summer we find ourselves in September. This usually signals slightly cooler weather and subsequently a slowing down of growth. Having said that there is usually enough warmth around for any over-seeding or lawn renovation that needs to be done. Ideally this month you'll be looking at scarifying, aeration and over-seeding. Scarifying can help break the thatch layer and thin out the thatch to allow water and nutrients to penetrate. Hollow-tine aeration is the best sort of aeration at this time of the year. You'll also need an [...]
Lawn Renovation Lawn renovation is much in demand. The summer of 2018 has been a unique year for us. We haven't experienced a hot spell like this since 1976. Many lawns suffered from the summer drought this year. It is important to help your lawn recover by renovation, introducing new seed and a fresh layer of top-dressing. Sharpes Lawn Care offer this lawn renovation service to you, our valued customers. So, with immediate effect lawn renovation is available throughout September and March through May. So what's involved? Due to the heavy thatch that's developed on the lawns due to the heat,[...]
Don't forgot to blow or remove the leaves on your lawn during the winter months. There are sound reasons removing leaves off your lawn relating to the health of the lawn and not just to make it look neat and tidy. 1. Lawns need to "breathe." A layer of leaves left on the lawn can smother the lawn. 2. Leaving a layer of leaves on the lawn can invite pests and disease such as Fusarium (Snow Mould). 3. Water, nutrients and air flow can be obstructed by the layer of leaves thereby reducing any goodness getting into the root zone. 4. If they become well matted down they can significantly [...]
By the month of November you will usually be doing your last few scheduled cuts of the year, clearing leaves and ensuring your lawn is winterized with a good moss control. When I say last few cuts really this will depend on the weather. The last few years have been unseasonably mild and the growing period has gone into December. Grass doesn't actually stop growing during the winter months but is much slower and therefore needs less mowing. On a dry day just take the tops off the grass to keep it in check. You can do this simply by raising your mower blade a little higher than usual. If you [...]